Saturday, May 5, 2007

M's 4th birthday celebration at Grandma and Grandpa's

i am so happy that m was able to turn 4 - you see, i told him that he had to go to his sunbeam primary class by himself (because that's what big boys do and 4 year olds are "big boys") and he couldn't turn 4 and have a birthday if he didn't go to class. well, he went to class so he turned 4 and is officially a BIG boy now - good job m, we love you, you big 4 year old!!!
and, thanx to everyone at grandma and grandpa's who helped m celebrate and eat yummy cake . we wish everyone that wasn't there could have been there, too.


Erin said...

what a darling cake! happy birthday mason!!

The Ruff 4 said...

Happy birthday Shannon an Mason